Critique of Stage 2
Hmmm...critiquing...I'm always so much better at focusing on the things that went badly rather than those that went well, so I will do my best to be positive! In fact, in order to ensure a balance, I am going to divide my critique into positives and negatives and try to make equal entries in both halves! Positives I chose a route that was completely out of my comfort zone and expanded the scope of my practice. Conceptual art and art with a message is something I don't particularly like. Whilst I can appreciate it, it wouldn't normally consider starting such a project - my practice is usually based on naturalistic forms and expressing opinions and making potentially controversial statements doesn't come naturally to me. Nevertheless, I believe my final piece, had it been completed, would have been successful. I pushed my experimentation with fabric manipulation, whether the results were successful or not. My plaster bandage torso took guts to do and to show in publ...