Critique of Stage 2

Hmmm...critiquing...I'm always so much better at focusing on the things that went badly rather than those that went well, so I will do my best to be positive! In fact, in order to ensure a balance, I am going to divide my critique into positives and negatives and try to make equal entries in both halves!


I chose a route that was completely out of my comfort zone and expanded the scope of my practice. Conceptual art and art with a message is something I don't particularly like. Whilst I can appreciate it, it wouldn't normally consider starting such a project - my practice is usually based on naturalistic forms and expressing opinions and making potentially controversial statements doesn't come naturally to me. Nevertheless, I believe my final piece, had it been completed, would have been successful.

I pushed my experimentation with fabric manipulation, whether the results were successful or not. My plaster bandage torso took guts to do and to show in public and I was quite pleased with it - it just didn't serve the purpose for which it was intended.

I love the mirror/lens/body dysmorphia t-shirt!  It feels like a real piece of conceptual art to me. The mirrors and lenses and distorting textures worked well. I also thought the wiring of the t-shirts was very successful.

I enjoyed working in a different way - allowing my experimentation and research to inform my next step, not really having a clear idea of how the final installation would look in mind. I think it led to a more meaningful installation idea than had I decided on how it would look at the beginning of the journey.


The obvious one is that my research and experimentation led me to an outcome which I couldn't physically create, so I don't have a whole final piece, just 10 finished t-shirts and a sketch of how the installation would look. I guess this could also be seen as a positive though - I didn't compromise my creativity and after my experiments showed that the washing line and street installation idea was the most viable route to take, it would have been disingenuous to pursue any other avenues

With a timescale of 9 weeks, I chose a very complex subject to cover. I bit off way more than I could chew! I could have narrowed down my topics, but I feel that would have had a negative impact on the overall installation - a broad range of topics were needed to give each of the 24 t-shirts a valid message to convey. I would, however, have liked to have more time to research each topic - some were thoroughly researched, others less so. This also meant that some of the t-shirts messages weren't as strong as they could be as I didn't have time to further develop the concept behind it - for example the t-shirt with the public toilet style figures - further to my research with the questionnaire, I would like to have had time to re-design that t-shirt to show women judging other women.

I wasn't able to try out some of the techniques I had planned because the supplies that were ordered didn't turn up in time. I would have liked to have experimented with screen printing as I feel it is a technical skill I would like to master.

I didn't enjoy it. By going so far out of my comfort zone, I lost the enjoyment element which made me less enthusiastic and somewhat depressed at times - I don't like to dwell on negative things and spending 9 weeks thinking about size and illness really brought me down!  Not for me - back to positivity!

I think I have covered everything else I wanted to say in my sketch book, so on to stage 3!


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